Disclosure according to Article 5 of the Law on E-Commerce(“E-Commerce-Gesetz”) and Article 25 of the Media Law (“Mediengesetz”):
ROBUTEC Engineering Ltd.
FN 320235i Landesgericht Salzburg
Dr. Franz-Rehrl-Platz 7
5020 Salzburg, Austria
Tel. +43 (0)662 453345
www.robutec.com, office@robutec.com
Bank: Raiffeisenkasse Bergheim
Address: Dorfstrasse 17
5101 Bergheim, Austria
IBAN : AT 72 3500 8000 0006 4063
UID No: ATU 64587959
Representative office in China:
RobutecBejing Office
No. 129, Nan Si Huan Xi Road,
Feng Tai District, Beijing,
P.R. China, 100070
Tel: 010 – 836 59 740, Mobile: 1380 122 4282
E-Mail: robutec01bj@163.com
Executive partner:
Dr. Andreas Reischl
Business purpose:
Planning of technical solutions, trade in technical products, trade in all kinds of goods and takeover of management
Use of the website:
Materials presented on this website provide basic information. Robutec Engineering Ltd. assumes no liability for direct or indirect damage or consequential damage of any kind, based on legal grounds of any kind, which might result from the use of this website, especially in the case of an infection of a computer with viruses, or from the use of information provided on this website.
Logos and copyrights:
The logos and pictures displayed on this website are the property of Robutec Engineering Ltd. or have been acquired from third parties and/or provided without charge. Any use or reproduction of the images displayed on this website is prohibited.
Robutec Engineering Ltd. reserves all rights to texts, images, graphics, animations, videos and other materials and their arrangement on the website. The contents of this website may not be copied, distributed, modified or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Robutec Engineering Ltd. reserves the right to change the contents of this website, to add new contents as well as to delete it completely or partially at any time.
Links („Hyperlinks“) to external websites of third parties are provided for the convenience of our users. These websites are completely independent and beyond control of Robutec Engineering Ltd. Robutec Engineering Ltd. accepts no responsibility for the contents, accuracy, completeness or legal compliance of any external websites of third parties that can be accessed through the links provided on this website or those that are referring to this website.
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Concept & Implementation
Salzburg Digital GmbH
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